I am still learning to navigate the world of scuba but who is not?
I have spent much of my time as a diver completing luxury holiday dives. Book a holiday and have a nice bath of warm crystal clear water, a dive with no tide to fight and visibility for miles. I had never owner a piece of equipment, never had a diving friend or go to place. Two years ago I found Rec2Tec Diving and was introduced to British diving. Wow the water was cold and I could not see my hands let alone my normal fifthy meters, diving just became exciting again it was a challenge every dive was different, every time I put that suit on I was not sure of what I would see, what challenge I would have to over come and what I would learn.
I have learnt more in two years as a diver than I did in the previous ten years and I am still learning. Diving for me is a form of meditation you slip below the water and hear nothing other than your breathes. I concentrate on my breathes to make sure I stay calm and regulate my breathing. As the dives go on the breathes get slower and my whole body becomes more relaxed.
Under the water you are alone with your thoughts and I have wrote many shopping lists down there. For 2021 my ambitions are I want to dive with my son, after he is qualified, to challenge myself further and continue to make friendships in the diving community.