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Rec2Tec Diving PADI Advanced Open Water Day One

Stoney Cove Sapcote Rd, Leicester

Time - for you to become a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver? Open water day one elements of the course, having completed the e-learning

Rec2Tec Diving – TEC Theory Thursday

PADI TEC Theory Class - As a team, plan a hypothetical technical dive with a single gas switch made to accelerate decompression and with no fewer than four decompression stops. Individual diver gas requirement calculations, turn points, reserves, OTUs, CNS clock, etc. calculated manually (not with deco software) using the TecRec Dive Planning Slate, adequately […]

Rec2Tec Diving – TEC Theory Thursday

PADI TEC Theory Class - As a team, we will plan a hypothetical technical dive with a single gas switch made for additional conservatism (not accelerated decompression) and with not fewer than three decompression stops. Individual diver gas requirement calculations, turn points, reserves, OTUs, CNS clock, etc. calculated manually (not with deco software) using the […]