Jan 10, 2024 | Career Development, Featured, News, PADI Dive Master, Uncategorized
Introduction: For passionate scuba divers, the journey into the depths is not merely a recreational pursuit but a profound exploration of the underwater world. As enthusiasts become adept in the art of diving, many find themselves contemplating the transition from...
Aug 3, 2021 | Career Development, We Are. . .
PADI Divemaster Newly launched by PADI – Introduction to Divemaster, a free eLearning course! Accessed via the PADI Learning Portal, whether you want to hone your skills and dive like a pro or turn your passion into a career – you can start now for free!...
Feb 12, 2020 | Career Development, We Are. . .
Rec2Tec Diving has been awarded the PADI Five Star Instructor Development Dive Centre rating – but what does this mean? We are know at the highest level of educational professionalism in the dive industry, creating individuals who will be successful future...
Aug 15, 2019 | Career Development, We Are. . .
The Dive Master mapping project, is one of the more daunting tasks you will complete on your journey to becoming a PADI Dive Master. The objective was set, map the wreck grave yard at Wraysbury Dive Centre, the team and plan agreed, the divers kitted up, BWRAF check...
Aug 6, 2019 | Career Development, We Are. . .
With Rec2Tec Diving running an EFR course this evening (06/08/19) and the ultimate Rescue course – 7-8 September 2019, this article written by PADI Regional Training Consultant, Jeremiah Foo is excellently timed! Emergency First Response (EFR) training is highly...